Youth and Children
Sunday School for elementary school aged children is held during our services, in addition to numerous additional activities.
Our youth engage in service projects and with the fellowship, as well as actively participating in services.
Children of all ages are welcome at worship. Sunday School is held for K-5 in the middle of the service.
From campouts to rockclimbing and more, the fall cider press to hut trips, we find ways to have fun and learn about God. See more on the calendar.
Youth at Fun Rock
Youth at Fun Rock
Cider Press
Cider Press
Hut weekend
Hut weekend
Chalking the Lintels on Epiphany
Chalking the Lintels on Epiphany
Campout activities
Campout activities
The circle: inside and outside
The circle: inside and outside
The child is the spiritual builder of mankind.
The child is the spiritual builder of mankind.
- Maria Montessori